AYSO Region 422 - Ogden Valley

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March meeting minutes



27 March 2008 7 p.m. Huntsville Library



Attendee’s:  Kay Larrison, Leilani Gaughet, Jeannie Johnson, Corrina Huddle, Doug Spainhower, Michael Sansone, Lisa Arbogast, Jamie Froerer,  Kelly Booth, Gina Gonzales, Melanie Judd.


Section conference recap:  Kay talked about how re-energized coming out of the section conference made those who attended.  A lot of good information and training was provided. 


Ogden Outlaws – The region is looking at buying bulk tickets to a game to provide to all the kids.  Tickets are just 50 cent.  The region would  donate $200.00 to buy tickets for every registered child in Ogden Valley.    This will be looked at during the next board meeting.  Kathy Nelson will be looking at different soccer camps and we will also talk about this at the next board meeting.


Registration – Jeannie Johnson is working on banners for registration with Kris Poulson.  The first Saturday registration will be held Saturday April 19th from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m.    Jamie received the registration packet from NSTC.    Jamie will also be checking into granting EAYSO for Corinna (CVPA).    Kay made up some gift coupons for volunteers who have served a year.  Coaches coupons will be handed out at the coaches meeting next Thursday. 


Board position elections:  The following people were nominated and approved in the following positions


Erinn Sa – Safety Director

Justin Rague – Assist Referee Coor

Karen Froerer – U12 Division coor

Sandra Jenkins – Tournament committee

Michael Sansone – Web master

Brian Smith – Scheduling assist


Tournament updates – Good turnout for the tournament meeting a few weeks ago.  Tournament dates are June 25 – 28th, 2008.  Kathy Nelson will be taking on the position as tournament director.


Kay reminded everyone that they need to have a volunteer form on file with NSTC.


Regional calendar – Kay spoke about creating a regional calendar to help keep us focused on future events and activities for AYSO.    Budgets – RCA, RRA, Registrar, Field Coordinator need to submit budgets to Kay. 


Gina talked about initiating a green card for parents which will be handed out to parents who do not follow the kid zone policies on the fields. 


Next meeting will be held on April 24th. 


Meeting adjourned at 8:20